About Us
What Is Sarshomar?
Knowing what everyone, at any time and place, is thinking about has invariably been one of the most exciting needs of human beings.
By means of an opinion poll, we can become informed of people's interests, viewpoints and problems, and take measures to improve, develop or solve them. Having taken these measures, we can dominate the public opinions, attract them and lead them towards our own interests. Sarshomar, having a broad and knowledge-oriented outlook, came into being to provide solutions in this respect.

The Name Sarshomar

In Persian, the person undertaking the task of census (Sarshomari) is called Sarshomar (headcounter).
Predicting the vast number of our service users, we have been searching for a term attuned with that vastness as well as our goal. Accordingly, having conducted extensive investigations, we selected the term '' Sarshomar '' as the trade name for the service.
The Starting Point
There have been various means to conduct an opinion poll and future will be no exception. Sarshomar, having known this, decided to enter this field.
Being concerned with questioning a particular statistical population along with inferring valid results was one of the major reasons for Sarshomar's birth. To develop an international service equipped with unique facilities, we examined the available models; and aiming to eliminate the weaknesses and cover the unnoticed points, and placing our reliance on God, we embarked on the most comprehensive electronic opinion poll service.

Services and Audiences
Sarshomar's potential addressees and clients would include all legal as well as natural persons; all trading companies; educational and research centers; institutions and organizations; advertising agencies; website owners and developers; and all individuals in society from novice to expert.

You can use, according to your need, such unique characteristics as questioning the target statistical population, question charts, service provision through social networks and dozens of other ones. Sarshomar, moreover, intends to award you precious prizes to show its appreciation for your contribution to promoting its quality and services.

Job Opportunities
We are constantly seeking to recruit the best. Are you willing to join us?
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